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SoundFoundry Alumni

Official Launch Event

It's official! Sound Foundry Alumni will be launched, and we're here to celebrate the creation of our very own channel, where Alumni and Students alike can stay connected with SMU's music and performing community.

The Sound Foundry (SF) Alumni Group official launch event will feature our very own SF alumni bands in an 'unplugged-style' set-up, as well as an open-mic, free-for-all, jam session for any SF musicians who want to take the stage!


If this is not enough to entice you, there will be a buffet spread and drinks!  So please spread the word, and join us for this amazing evening of music and lights @ Tonic-X, SIS Basement.


Where: Tonic X @ SMU

Time: 6PM - 1130PM

Date: 20th May

Sign-up here:

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